

Overseas Worker Loan Hotline contact 2480-3088 /

  1. Introduction

        1.1        This Statement is adopted as the privacy policy statement of WonderLend Limited (the “Company”) and the subsidiaries and affiliates (including each branch or representative office) of the Company (collectively, the “Group” and “member(s) of the Group” shall be construed accordingly).  The purpose of this Statement is to explain the policies and practices of the Group to protect the privacy, confidentiality and security of the personal information which the Group may hold by complying with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (“PDPO”) with respect to the management of personal information and to ensure that all employees and agents of the Group uphold these obligations.

  1. Collection of Personal Data and Purposes for Keeping the Personal Data

        2.1        From time to time, it is necessary for you to supply the Group with personal data which may include (but not limited to) your identification information, contact details, employment details, financial and assets information etc. in connection with the opening or operation of accounts, the establishment or maintenance of credit facilities, provision of other financial services, and handling enquiry or complaint.

        2.2        Failure to provide such personal data may result in the Group being unable to open or operate accounts, or to establish, maintain or provide credit facilities and/or other financial services to you, or to handle your enquiry or complaint quickly.

        2.3        On or before collecting personal data from you, the relevant member of the Group will provide you with a personal information collection statement (“PICS”) informing you of, amongst other things, the proposed purposes of collection, proposed classes of persons to whom the data may be transferred, your rights to access and correct the data, and other relevant information.

        2.4        Personal data collected may be used for any one or more of the purposes listed in this Statement and/or the relevant PICS provided to you by the relevant member of the Group.

        2.5        In relation to the collection of personal data online, the following practices are adopted:

                (a)        Online Security

The Group adopts strict standards of security and confidentiality to protect any information provided to the Group online. Encryption technology is used for sensitive data transmission on the internet to protect your privacy.

                (b)        Online Correction

Personal data provided to the Group online, once submitted, may not be able to be deleted, corrected or updated online. If deletion, correction and update are not allowed online, you should contact the relevant departments or branches of the relevant member of the Group or you may approach the Data Protection Officer for assistance. Please refer to Clause 6.3 of this Statement for the contact of the Data Protection Officer.

                (c)        Online Retention

Personal data collected online will be transferred to the relevant departments or branches of the relevant member of the Group for processing. Personal data will be retained in the web server’s database of the Group.

                (d)        Cookies

                       (i)         When you visit the website of any member of the Group, such member of the Group may use cookie files to store and track information that includes your IP address, the types and configurations of browsers, language settings, geo-locations, operating systems, and time spent on the website.  These cookies enable the Group to provide you with personalised service on the website and to compile aggregate statistics on how visitors browse this website. Such statistics are collected for the purpose of managing and improving the design of the website. Such information and statistics does not disclose any of your personal data and the Group will not collect, process or use any of your personal data in this regard.

                        (ii)         Most web browsers are initially set up to accept cookies. You can choose to ‘not accept’ cookies by changing the settings


  1. Confidentiality and Security

        3.1        Data held by any member of the Group relating to you will be kept confidential but such member may provide, transfer or disclose such data to any one or more of the parties as set out in the PICS of such member of the Group.

        3.2        The Group may from time to time transfer your data to a place outside Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for the purposes set out in this Statement or the PICS of the relevant member of the Group.

        3.3        The Group is committed to ensure an appropriate level of protection for personal data in full compliance with the requirements under the PDPO, in order to prevent against unauthorised or accidental access, processing, erasure, loss or use of the data, with regard to the sensitivity of such data and the harm that could be caused by unauthorised access to such data.

        3.4        Various protective measures are adopted by the Group including restricting access of personal data to relevant employees on a “need-to-know” basis, providing relevant training to employees handling personal data, applying encryption to personal data when necessary, restricting physical access to such data by providing secure storage facilities, and incorporating security measures into equipment in which data is held. Measures are also taken to ensure the integrity, prudence and competence of persons having access to personal data.


  1. Retention of personal data

        4.1        All personal data that has been collected from you will not be kept longer than necessary for the fulfilment of the purposes for which the data is or is to be used and is subject to such duration as may be permissible by applicable law(s). All personal data will be destroyed after the permissible duration.


  1. Direct marketing

        5.1        The Group will ensure that it strictly follows the requirements under the PDPO and the relevant guidelines when collecting or using personal data for direct marketing purposes.  The Group will not use personal data for direct marketing purpose without your prescribed consent. If you give a prescribed consent and want to withdraw it afterwards, please contact the Group to opt out from such use for your personal data to be used for direct marketing.


  1. Data Access and Correction Requests

        6.1        It is the policy of the Group to comply with and process all data access and correction requests in accordance with the provisions of the PDPO, and for all staff concerned to be familiar with the requirements for assisting individuals to make such requests.

        6.2        A Data Protection Officer has been appointed by the Company. Any data access and correction requests may be addressed to the Data Protection Officer. You may also contact the Data Protection Officer for information and/or enquiries regarding the Group’s personal data privacy policy and practices. The Group has the right to charge a reasonable fee for the processing of any data access or correction requests.

        6.3        The contact details of the Data Protection Officer are as follows:

                The Data Protection Officer

            Room 601, Nan Fung Centre, 264-298 Castle Peak Road, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong

              Email: cs@wonder-lend.com

              Telephone: (852) 2480-3088